
Starting today, and every month from now on, I will do an event to show how many barrels of oil were imported in the previous month.

The goal of the Pickens Plan is to get that number going down so that we are less and less dependent on foreign oil.

Today we were in Washington, D.C. to show how the nearly $475 billion we sent overseas for foreign oil in 2008 could have been better spent right here in America building schools, wind turbines, solar farms and helping insulate houses and buildings.

According to the Energy Information Agency, in December we imported 380 million barrels of oil – 66 .5 percent of the oil we used. Even at current prices, America sent $19.3 billion overseas to pay for that oil.

We have created a new page on the website – – so you can follow this and invite your friends to take a look. We have widgets you can install on your own website to track our progress.

I’m doing my part. I need you do to yours. I need you to join your Congressional District group today. And get your family, neighbors and folks where you work to join, too.

As the new Congress and the new Administration begin to work on legislation to implement aspects of the Pickens Plan, I’m going to call on you to contact your U.S. Senator and Member of Congress to make sure they know how important this is.

— Boone