
August may be vacation time for many people, but  our reliance on foreign oil didn’t take any time off.

In August alone we imported 355 million barrels of oil and sent $25.2  billion overseas – the most spent on foreign oil out of any month this year.

We are digging ourselves deeper into a hole every day and our economy and  security are suffering.

Have you contacted your Members of Congress about the NAT GAS Act yet? If not, click here to send them an email.

Congress is currently focused on the health care debate and that will continue  to dominate Washington’s attention in the coming weeks.  But our time is  coming and the situation continues to be dire.

Click here to email your Members of Congress about the NAT GAS Act today.

We are proceeding with our solid support for the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835 and S.  1408) making its way through the U.S. House and Senate.  In the House,  H.R. 1835 has more than 80 bi-partisan co-sponsors.  In the Senate the NAT  GAS Act is also supported by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

We need to stay engaged, focused and active.  Click here to email your  Representative and Senators today.
— Boone